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Blogs & Interviews


When I was a little girl I was enjoying living in my own world. I was creative, feeling passionate about the world around me and my inner impressions. I enjoyed every kind of art, especially movies.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use / Privacy Policy

CiNESOMNIA and BLOG.CINESOMNIA.COM is a subscription streaming service, owned by GM Films, LLC. Launching 2022, featuring independent films, foreign, documentaries and genre cinema as well as its own film festival, known as Cinesomnia Film Festival.

We take the privacy of our visitors very seriously. Visitors are not required to submit any personally identifiable information to experience, but please be aware that any information you post publicly on third party websites can be viewed, collected and used by others and are not within our control.

This policy does not cover the privacy practices of third parties that we do not own or control, including social networking and social sharing services you can use or link to through this Website, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

These sites operate independently and have their own privacy and security practices. You are responsible for the content and information you supply to this Website and third party websites that we may link to or connect through, shall not be liable for any such content or information.

The administrators of, reserve the right to delete any content submitted by users that we deem inappropriate and ban users who we believe are misusing the site.

Unsolicited Submissions

GM Films, LLC only accepts submissions through a licensed literary agent, or from a producer, attorney, manager, or entertainment executive with whom we have a preexisting relationship. Any idea, material, screenplay or project proposal that is submitted via our mailing address or digital (e-mail) by other means is considered an “unsolicited submission.”

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